Article 90 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) is one of the most important sections of the entire document. In fact, it is considered to be the foundation of the NEC. The purpose of Article 90 is to provide an introduction and explanation of the NEC, its scope, and its purpose. In this article, we will take a closer look at Article 90 of the NEC 2023 and what it entails.

Overview of Article 90

Article 90 of the NEC 2023 starts with a statement that the purpose of the NEC is the practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity. The code aims to provide guidelines and rules that promote safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in the installation and use of electrical equipment.

The article goes on to explain the scope of the NEC. It states that the code covers the installation of electrical conductors, equipment, and systems within and on buildings, structures, and other premises, including the installation of the service entrance, wiring, and distribution equipment. The code also covers the installation of electrical equipment and systems that are not connected to a source of electric power.

The next section of Article 90 discusses the authority and enforcement of the NEC. It states that the code is not a law, but rather a set of minimum safety standards that are adopted by various jurisdictions in the United States. These jurisdictions may modify or adopt the NEC to fit their specific needs, but they cannot weaken the minimum safety standards set forth in the code.

The article also explains that the enforcement of the NEC is the responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). This can be a government agency, such as a state or local building department, or a private organization that has been designated by the government to enforce the code. The AHJ is responsible for issuing permits, inspecting installations, and enforcing compliance with the NEC.

The Importance of Article 90

Article 90 of the NEC is crucial because it provides a foundation for the entire code. It sets forth the purpose, scope, and authority of the code, which are essential for understanding the rules and guidelines that follow. By providing a clear understanding of the purpose and scope of the code, Article 90 helps to ensure that the rules and guidelines in the NEC are applied consistently and uniformly across different jurisdictions.

Additionally, Article 90 emphasizes the importance of safety in the installation and use of electrical equipment. This is a critical issue because electrical hazards can be deadly. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), there were 166 electrical fatalities in the United States in 2019 alone. By providing clear guidelines and rules for the installation and use of electrical equipment, the NEC helps to prevent electrical hazards and promote safety in the use of electricity.

Finally, Article 90 clarifies the authority and enforcement of the NEC. By explaining that the code is not a law, but rather a set of minimum safety standards, the article emphasizes the importance of complying with the NEC. It also clarifies that the enforcement of the code is the responsibility of the AHJ, which helps to ensure that installations are inspected and compliance is enforced.


Article 90 of the NEC 2023 is a critical component of the entire code. It provides a foundation for the code by setting forth its purpose, scope, and authority. It emphasizes the importance of safety in the installation and use of electrical equipment, and it clarifies the authority and enforcement of the code. By understanding Article 90, electrical professionals and building owners can gain a clear understanding of the rules and guidelines set forth in the NEC and ensure that installations are safe, efficient, and compliant with the code.